Welcome To My Homepage
I am currently an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham. My current research is primarily related to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) for Robotics. I have focused on hybrid methods that integrate automated task and motion planning, scheduling, as well as temporal and spatial reasoning. My goal is twofold: to combine heterogeneous representations for the purpose of obtaining “hybrid” KR formalisms that are able to express the many nuances of real-world robotics problems; and to develop efficient methods for reasoning with these formalisms.
I am also interested in the ethical and social implications of technology in general and robotics/AI in particular; as well as topics at the intersection of cultural studies and robotics.
Prior to joining the University of Birmingham, I was a postdoctoral researcher, followed by a permanent researcher contract, at the Cognitive Robotic Systems of the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS), Örebro University, where I received my PhD (2016) as well. I have also visited Prof. Nick Hawes’s robotics group at the Oxford Robotics Institute, and had research stay in Sven Koenig's lab at the University of Southern California.

Research Interests
- Hybrid Planning
- Multi-robot Planning and Coordination for Industrial Vehicles
- Integrated Reasoning in Robotics
- Hybrid Knowledge Representation for Robotics
- Robots and Cultural Theories
An updated list of publications can be found on my Google Scholar profile.
Current projects
Postdocs and Phd Students
- Postdocs
- PhD students
- Sara Carmesin: Multi-vehicle Routing Problem in Dynamic Environments (main supervisor)
- Weijian Zhang: Human-aware Multi-formation Planning (main supervisor)
- Toby Gosnall: A framework for developing culture in human-robot interactions (main supervisor)
- Michalina Jakubczak: Explainability for Adaptive Robot Assistance to Older Adults
- Joao Salvado: Multi-Robot Goal Allocation and Motion Planning Problem